Going To Unfamiliar Areas

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Scott and I were going to Oceanside, CA. to go to the boat.  I asked him if he wanted to stop in San Diego and get something to eat and walk around a little before we go to the boat.  We had our dog, “Mocha” a four year old chocolate lab with us and it would be nice to walk around with her after a six hour drive.  I had not been in the area were ended up in years.  probably since our daughter Taylor was 4 or 5.  I knew the basic lay of the land but not exact directions or specific roads to take to the coast or food.  Scott took a right off the main road.  He had seen a sign that said “beaches” and pointed this way, I did not see the sign and I really only knew that we just kept on the main road to the beach area and where I knew.  The direction we were heading I vaguely knew and we were both tired –mostly Scott since I napped on the way here and he had been driving since 5am. 

Prior to Scott’s head injury, Scott and I would embark into unknown areas all the time when traveling trying to find a new unique place to eat or explore.  But this was different for Scott; this was an unfamiliar journey creating anxiety for him that I was not aware of at the time.  It was not so much of not having a plan but the “unexpected results” that concerned him in the new area.  What could concern him?  As a nurse I learned that the more we could prepare a patient by giving them information the more we could decrease their anxiety of the “unknown.”  How could I not see that same pattern or need for Scott?   I even wrote my master’s thesis on preparation of preoperative patients and how it decreases their anxiety.  Wow, I  am missing the obvious—it is just that Scott looks normal, sounds normal, acts normal but he has NOTHING NORMAL to rely on to reduce anxiety–no memory.  How can I not see this and help him?  I am going to be more aware that he needs that simple “here’s what to expect” talk when we are doing new things